4 Top Steps to going to the Gym more!

Starting to work out may be a bit challenging especially if you have a 9-5 Job and also life start happening. But do you know that Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases? Exercising regularly lowers a person’s risk of developing some diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Exercise also can help keep your body at a healthy weight. Exercise can help a person age well

Knowing all the benefits mentioned before, I will share with you 4 steps that will help you start incorporating exercise into your busy schedule


You probably have heard a lot about planning, but planning can be a lifesaver. Why! because by you knowing in advance what to do you will reduce the stress and the overwhelmedness that comes when you don’t know what to do.

Taking the time to sit down and plan your week really increases the chance of incorporating exercise into your schedule.  The most important reason to plan is it allows for management to make effective decisions. 

Let me tell you that you only need to try to workout 3 times per week 45 to 35 minutes of high-intensity cardio, or Functional exercises can be enough. So, do not get frustrated and try to fit fitness into your everyday schedule because it will not be sustainable for you. You have from Monday to Sunday to work out and pick the best time and dates for you.


Once you have decided to book the dates in the week where you will be working out, it is time to find set reminders to remind you to commit to your schedule. This reminder can be alarms or just having your gym clothes and visible places to trigger your actions.

If you are having don’t to go to the gym or just to your home workout use the following technique.” The 5 Second Rule is a self-management technique. It advocates that people should start completing a possibly unpleasant task within 5 seconds, otherwise they may try to postpone the completion of the task. The technique thus tries to strengthen an impulse to move from thinking to action before objections prevent this.”

According to Mel Robbins, you should do the following as soon as you feel an impulse, an obligation, or even a wish to complete a task:

Count backward from 5 to 1. And get going. 5…4…3…2…1. Go!

By this active counting backward – the countdown – you bring the momentum to your side and strengthen the impulse before you think about obstacles and possible excuses. Don’t follow your initial impulse within the 5 seconds, you probably won’t follow the impulse at all.

Give it a try…


The action is when you are performing the workout yourself. As I have said many times, you don’t need to spend hours at the gym to have an effective workout. So, try to find any physical activity that you really like and enjoy doing in it so you will be more committed to doing it.


Creating rewards for working out is a powerful tool in creating internal motivation for working out. Rewards are individual and help you to transition to new challenges and routines. Choose the reward that is meaningful to you and integrate it into every workout for the best success in sticking to your powerful new habits!

Does rewards can be:

  • Do nothing … Literally: How do an hour or two that’s yours and yours alone sound? Sweet, right? Rest and relaxation can be an excellent way to reward yourself for your hard work. Set aside a certain amount of time to just watch television, read a book, or simply take a nap. Taking a nap two hours post-workout is a great trick to enhance your muscles’ recovery process.
  • Track your accomplishments: Sometimes all the incentive you need is to acknowledge your progress. Even reaching the smallest of milestones should be worthy of feeling proud.

Following this step will be guaranteed that will start building up your habits to workout at any time. In the following video, I shared a short workout routine that you can implement in the morning before going to work.

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