The Ultimate 5 steps to How to Build Self-discipline for your Fitness

Having problems being consistent and any goal you want to achieve, have you asked yourself why that is? Probably the reason why is because you have a lack of self-discipline.

I believe that it is possible to build self-discipline. So, that is why I will share with your these five strategies that will help build yourself the discipline to achieve your fitness goals with a busy schedule. But before we get into it, we first need to define what is self-discipline first.

  • What Is Self-Discipline? Self-discipline is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how you’re feeling, physically or emotionally.

So let’s get into it:

1. Choose a Goal

Begin by choosing just one goal that you want to focus on to develop your self-discipline. For example, if your goal is to lose weight. Seat down and think what is the action that I need to take to achieve that goal.

One is to have a caloric deficit and move more. So, one action is to start tracking your food intake which will help have an idea or be more mindful of what are you putting into your body. And help you to make better food decisions Or increase your physical activity by going to the gym 2 times per week or assisting a to a fitness class.

If you notice by knowing your goal you can design your strategy that will have the steps that you need to take. Make sure that the goal you set is SMART  – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound – and break the goal down into smaller sub-goals, where you can.

2. Find Your Motivation

Once you’ve chosen a goal, list the reasons why you want to achieve it. Try to express these reasons in a positive way. So, instead of saying “I want to exercise three times a week to lose weight,” say “I want to exercise so that I have the energy to play with my kids and work successfully.”

When you list the reasons why you want to achieve something, you’ll find it much easier to get the job done. Try to go deep on this one and discover your real Why.

3. Identify Obstacles

Now you need to identify the obstacles that you’ll likely face when working toward your goal and devise a strategy for overcoming each one.

For example, you are tired of workout offer work. That is an obstacle for you to work out, so to overcome it the solution maybe be to Try a morning dose of exercise 15 minutes 30 minutes of homework from youtube.

Make lunchtime count. Keep a pair of walking shoes at your desk, and take a brisk walk during your lunch break. Be prepared. Make sure you have comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothes for exercising. Take them with you to the mall or when you travel.

Why is important to know your obstacles or identify them Often our self-discipline crumbles because we haven’t identified the obstacles that we’ll face in achieving our goals, and we haven’t developed strategies to overcome them. When these obstacles show up, we’re unprepared to deal with them, and this shakes our resolve. Don’t skip this step!

4. Replace Old Habits

When we’re developing self-discipline, we’re often trying to break a bad habit and replace it with something more productive. However, if that habit is tied into a certain time of day or routine, breaking it can leave a hole. If we don’t replace that habit with something else, then its absence becomes even more noticeable.

A good example is that if you always during dinner time you are just to order takeaway food, to change that habit you will need to replace it with something else.

It can be that before going to work, you have already prepped your dinner in advance and have it ready at the fringe for you so once you open it you see the food and don’t feel the need to order food. This small action will help you will help support your goal and strengthen your self-discipline.

5. Monitor Your Progress

As you work on your self-discipline, pay attention to how you’re feeling as it develops and strengthens. You might feel free, happy, proud, and energized. Also, think about keeping a journal to write down your self-discipline goals and track your progress.

This reinforces the positive changes that you’re implementing in your life and gives you a record that you can look back on to see the progress that you have made. Over time, your self-discipline will strengthen, and you’ll be able to apply it to lots of other areas of your life.

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