Best 5 Tips to Mantain Yourself on Track with your Fitness with a Busy Life

Because a healthy woman has abundant, vibrant energy that helps her to experience joy, feel fulfilled, and love herself and others. It probably won't surprise you if I tell you that, over the years, I've discovered that strategies for improving health, nutrition, and fitness are slightly different for women than for men.

The best way for women to live brilliantly is to get highly healthy.


Because a healthy woman has abundant, vibrant energy that helps her to experience joy, feel fulfilled, and love herself and others. It probably won’t surprise you if I tell you that, over the years, I’ve discovered that strategies for improving health, nutrition, and fitness are slightly different for women than for men.

But the Fundamental health principles remain the same for all genders: improve sleep patterns, eat an anti-inflammatory diet, utilize cross-training and functional exercises when working out, and think more positively

However, there are differences that must be honored if permanent health upgrades are to be successful.

Here are 5 strategies that you can implement to maintain you on track with a busy schedule:

1. Order your environment 

Create a space where you feel peace and tranquility. Try to keep your house tidy, and it will be much easier for you to live. Because you won’t have to dedicate a whole day to organizing and in the end, you will only have to try to keep the place tidy.

If you keep your place in order, believe me, you will have much more motivation to do more things, and it will also help you reduce stress by seeing everything in order.

Small tasks like cleaning or washing while you are cooking, answering WhatsApp while you go for a walk or shopping, and preparing food for several days, can help you a lot to better manage your time and be more efficient.

2. Write down your ideas

Sometimes you have heard that our brains are made to have ideas, not retain them. That is why we must see what we have to do.

Now how can we visualize our ideas or things that we must execute?. We need to write them down.

For this, you do not need to buy thousands of agendas, just use pencil and paper or simply a cell phone. If your boss calls you sadly to make an appointment, write it down immediately, either on your phone or on your schedule. Try to have it all in one place. Google calendar is a great tool for organizing your days.

Speaking of organization, it’s what we will be talking about in our next step.

3. Organization

Once you have found the method of organization that fits your lifestyle, keep it over time, it is just like keeping your house clean don’t clean once, and the next time clean for two weeks. Instead, try to maintain that order because it creates the habit of making you a person effective and productive. 

here is a Fitness planner that can help you: Digital Fitness Planner and Habit Tracker

So every time you get a new task, schedule that task. Don’t leave that task in your brain because we can’t trust him very much.

In the organization process, we will grab the list of tasks we have written down previously, and we will assign the day and time we have to execute the said task.

For example, Every Sunday, I plan my week with anticipation; I see my homework notes that I have to deliver, and I write them down on my calendar. I have in consideration deadlines and priorities. And I’m putting them on my calendar.

In this, I also take the opportunity to incorporate the days that I go to the gym; that is why it is essential to know your activities in advance to adapt your exercise routine to your lifestyle.

With this part, you have to be realistic with yourself. If in your calendar you only have time to train 3 times for 30 min. Let me tell you it’s all right. The important thing is that you move more.

You don’t need to do 10 hours in the gym; if you are a mother and have a job, consider doing an exercise routine 2 days a week that takes 30 or 40 minutes. And on weekends you can go for a long walk.

Remember that you can also exercise at home. Playing sports is super beneficial because it helps to disconnect and discharge energy…. In the long term, this helps you to be more productive because a sedentary life is detrimental to your health. 

 4. Review your Organization’s System

 It is essential that you review your Organization System regularly because it may happen that you need to modify, agree or remove specific tasks.

It is as if you designed your exercise routine; at the beginning, you discover how to do it and as time goes by, you discover which exercise you like the most, which muscles you like to train the most, what type of training you like the most…. I think you understand. ( If not, be free to follow me on Instagram @barrios_fitness and DM if you have any questions)

5. Act

 It is useless that you have the best training or organization method if, in the end, you will not put it into practice. I know it may seem complicated at first but continue because, in the end, it is for your health and well-being. 

If you want to improve your health, but implementation is where you struggle, I’m always here to help.

Looking for a quick and easy workout session? Check out this video:

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