When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, your mindset is the ultimate determinant of your success. Physical results only follow mental training, so when your mindset is locked down, you’re well on your way to success. Here are a few mental hacks to help you get your mind and body on track. sisaäinen motivation means in English Intrinsic motivation, and that is the motivation that we are trying to teach here to be able to achieve your fitness goals.
You are asking yourself, what is Sisaäinen motivation or Intrinsic motivation? It means that your motivation is moving with the primary goal to grow, learn and enjoy the process of change. It is not about placing others or do in it for others. Remember that all the changes that you are looking for need to come from self-love. So, if you will follow the next tips remember to apply sisaäinen motivation in your action.
Goal Setting: The Mental Trick to Stay On Track
Goal setting is a powerful tool in your fitness journey because it encourages the behavioral changes you know are necessary to reach your target. If your goal is to lose fat, get stronger, and tone up, you know you’ll need to change your behaviors around food and exercise to achieve that goal.
Where many people run into trouble, though, is in the type of goals they set. To successfully reach your target, it’s important to be practical. While we truly believe no goal is out of reach (eventually), we also know that setting lofty goals from the get-to can hinder your progress. It’s fantastic to have an ultimate, long-term goal, but in the meantime, setting realistic goals is key. So how can you do that? By setting SMART goals:
● Specific. Set a clear, well-defined goal rather than a general target.
● Measurable. Set precise, measurable amounts to track your success.
● Attainable. Be honest with yourself. Can you realistically accomplish your goal?
● Relevant. Set goals that align with the direction you want to move.
● Time-bound. Give yourself a concrete deadline for reaching your goal.
Progressive, short-term, attainable goals are far more manageable because they are within your realm of immediate accomplishment. When you set an attainable, short-term goal, and you successfully achieve that goal day after day, that gives you the confidence and gratification necessary to continue pushing forward. It builds momentum in your fitness journey and allows you to raise the bar in manageable increments.
- Trade Your “All or Nothing” Attitude for a More Flexible Approach, and also remember sisaäinen motivation.
Dedication Vs. Motivation: Which is More Important?
Speaking of pushing forward toward your goals, dedication is essential. If you’ve set a target, you’ll only reach it through consistency and dedication; motivation is fleeting, but dedication is not.
Motivation is an emotional state; like any emotional state, it will wax and wane. Motivation might propel you forward during the initial step of your fitness journey, but when progress slows (and it always does), it’s effortless to feel discouraged. What keeps you going even when progress is slow? Dedication.
If you hope to reach your goal successfully, you must train your mind just as hard as you train your body. When you center your mindset around your commitment to your goal rather than your feeling emotional state, you consistently perform the actions necessary to achieve that goal.
When it comes to achieving your physique goals, how you train is just as important as the frequency of your workouts. Sure, you can go to the gym and haphazardly go through the motions, but how much progress will you see? Unfortunately, for most people, the answer is not much. Why? Because you’re not tapping into the incredible power of your mind.
To really see results from your workouts, training with intention is vital.
To train with intention, your mental focus must be on the task. Conscious, deliberate movement allows you to develop a solid mind-muscle connection that solidifies proper technique. You must know why you’re performing each movement, which muscles you’re targeting, and how your muscles respond to each repetition. Because you’re paying attention, you feel constant feedback from your body and can adjust your movements accordingly.
When you train with intention, you solidify your “why” behind each workout. You take ownership of your movements because you know exactly what you’re doing and what those actions are meant to achieve. You’ll see the most profound results when you train your mind to control your body. If you are looking for a short and practical workout session, check out the following video.